Got Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

#JPTR is a project initiated by Pierre Scarane in his spare time, supported by a team of enthusiastic volunteers.

This is conceived as a space where you can become a better version of yourself by exchanging and consulting on sport, nutrition and lifestyle.

#JPTR Overview

#JPTR is conceived as a space where you can become a better version of yourself by exchanging and consulting on sport, nutrition and lifestyle.

The benefits of using this space are twofold:

1/ Disconnect you from the main social networks such as facebook or Instagram which analyze you, lock you in and mix your social life with the fitness industry.

2/ Get you to interact with a human-scale community of mutual support and answers to a multitude of questions, so you can move away from the noise of the big platforms (advertising, clickbaits, misinformation).

Yes, and designed to stay that way.

#JPTR is not designed to be economically viable, but survives through two main channels:

1/ by the community itself in terms of content.

2/ By the two modest sources of financial income to pay the servers, maintain the site and drink coffee:
The first, through the goodwill of users via tipie and the second, by buying our merchandising via the shop.

Of course, all ideas and energies are welcome. You can write to us via the contact page here:

Getting Started

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.